Digital Yacht are pleased to announce the publishing of a new Developer’s Guide for web app developers who wish to remotely display and control NMEA 2000 networks on boats.
With the recent release of our NjordLink and NjordLink+ gateways, getting NMEA 2000 data in to the cloud has never been easier. Built on Viam’s world leading engineering platform for AI, automation and data, Njord Cloud allows developers to concentrate on building innovate web apps, leaving the challenge of getting NMEA 2000 data off the boat to Digital Yacht.
The Developer’s Guide is hosted on GitHub and includes a couple of example apps (written in Type Script and Python) that can be used straight away to start reading PGN data, from our Demo Boat.
All data stored in the cloud is in JSON format, so developers do not have to learn the complexities of the binary NMEA 2000 PGN data or purchase the NMEA 2000 specification documents.
If you have an application that requires access to a boat’s current or historical NMEA 2000 data, then visit our Njord Cloud Developer’s Guide and see how the combination of Digital Yacht hardware and Viam cloud technology can make it happen.