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General News & Events
502 posts
METs "Wash Up" Meeting
So METs 2014, the largest European Marine Trade Show has closed for another year and we would like to thank…
AISNET – A great solution for vessel tracking
AISNET is Digital yacht’s low cost AIS base station receiver. It’s designed to be mounted ashore…
Digital Yacht 2015 Pricing
We know how frustrating annual prices changes can be so we’re issuing our 2015 Price Guide early so you…
GPS150 DualNav Sensor – Six Great Applications Afloat
It’s been just over a year since the GPS150 Dualnav positioning sensor was launched and we’ve seen a…
Class B AIS – A New 5 Minute Guide
With the METS 2014 introduction of our new AIT1500 and AIT3000 Class B transponders, the Digital Yacht family is…
METS 2014 New Products – Trade & Dealer Preview
In just over two weeks, the biggest ever METS marine equipment trade show opens its doors. Digital Yacht will…
AquaWear WLN20 NMEA-Wireless Gateway – Preview Information
The AquaWear WLN20 NMEA-Wireless gateway has been nominated for the prestigious DAME award at this years METS…
Got a MacBook then get NavLink for MAC
NavLink for MAC is a full featured chart and navigation app for MacBook PCs. It’s designed to integrate…