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502 posts
Digital Yacht introduce NavLink US Navigation Package for MacBooks
A new, $29.95 MAC application called NavLink US from Digital Yacht will turn your MacBook into a full featured,…
GV30 Combo GPS-VHF Antenna – The Perfect Class B AIS Transponder Antenna Solution
Many users are put off installing a Class B AIS transponder because of the requirement for additional antennas…
Digital Update July 2014 Now Out
Welcome to Digital Update 2014. Our latest monthly newsletter is now out and you can download from here Digital…
Adding a waypoint list to NavLink iPad app
Most navigators use a plotter by visually touching the screen where they want to create a waypoint or mark but…
PilotLINK with NavLink UK app – Nice Solution
PilotLINK is our portable wireless gateway for Class A AIS systems. It connects direct to any Class A pilot…
GPS & GLONASS Positioning – A Digital Yacht White Paper
This new whitepaper looks at the development of satellite based positioning systems and discusses the…
AIS Sales In the UK – A job well done by AIS Companies
The annual J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, organised by the Island Sailing Club, is a…
AISView Android App launches on the PlayStore
With over 1.5m Android devices activated daily, it’s the world’s leading mobile platform but, up until now,…