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428 posts
WL510 Antenna Mounting Options
The WL510 is supplied with a 1m high gain WiFi antenna which is fitted with a 1.25″ threaded section and…
SmarterTrack Software Gets A New Release
We’ve just launched a new release of SmarterTrack software (VR 6.05) which has some nifty new features.…
NMEA-USB Adaptor
If you want a quick and easy way to get NMEA into your PC or MAC, the our USB-NMEA adaptor (ZDIGUSBNMEA) is the…
iAIS Four Star Winner in Dutch Press
In the April edition of WaterKampioen our iAIS was reviewed and received four stars out of five. It came as…
Read about our new SPL2000 splitter in Sailing Today
In the July issue, our new splitter – the SPL2000, which has replaced the SPL250 has been featured. If you…
Monitoring vessel movements from the shore is useful not just for friends and family but also for security and…
Class A AIS Package For Workboats and Other Commercial Vessels
Class A AIS transponders are frequently being installed on smaller vessels who want the security and performance…
AIS Man Over Board Systems
In 2010, the IMO approved the use of AIS SARTs as an alternative to the traditional Radar SARTS. An AIS SART…