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Sensors & Instruments
43 posts
Digital Yacht launch GPS150 USB DualNav GPS/GLONASS sensor for PCs and MACs
PC and MAC users of electronic chart and navigation programs can now benefit from DualNav technology thanks to…
Replacing a defective GPS antenna
Unfortunately, for boat owners discoveries of equipment failure often temper with the “Joys of…
Providing GPS data to Standard Horizon Radios
Following on from yesterday’s post about connecting our GPS150 and AIT2000 to Icom radios to enable…
Providing GPS data to Icom Radios
A recent post on Panbo, the popular marine electronics website, raised an interesting issue of the number of VHF…
Article about the GPS150 (the Netherlands)
Zeilen covers our GPS150 DualNav™ positioning sensor in their January edition, just out. Thanks for the article…
Article about the GPS150 (Italy)
Thanks Federico Maselli for writing and publishing this article about our GPS150 DualNav™ positioning sensor.…
Gosh it was windy last night, and at about 11pm while I was writing my Santa wish list, I thought the roof was…
Introductory video to the GPS150 DualNav GPS/GLONASS positioning sensor
Here’s an introduction to the GPS150 – our DualNav GPS and GLONASS positioning sensor which offers…