The problem with chart plotters on yachts, is that they tell you where the next waypoint is but unless the wind is in your favour, you may not be able to sail directly to it. This is where the SailTimer app comes in to its own. Using a series of tacking calculations that SailTimer have optimised and tested over many years, the app provides optimal tacking angles and accurate time to destination based on the actual tacks you will need to make, rather than the straight line course that most chart plotters calculate.
The app is available with US Charts, Canadian charts or UKHO charts and will accept wireless wind data from any instrument system connected to our WLN10 NMEA to Wireless server. Simply visit the Apple App Store and search for SailTimer.
The wireless, solar-powered SailTimer Wind Vane can also send wind speed & direction to an on-board network with Digital Yacht’s WLN10.