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428 posts
White Paper on New Class B “SOTDMA” technology
Many people are unaware of the recent approval of a new AIS Class B “SOTDMA” technology that sits…
Next generation navigation app presentations at Paris Boat Show 2018
The Paris Boat Show will see Digital Yacht spotlight navigation apps. With literally hundreds of apps now…
Digital Yacht at METS 2018 with new products and a double DAME Award Nomination
Digital Yacht will introduce exciting new products at this years METS Trade Exhibition (13-15 November). You…
New NMEA2000 Gateway with Developers Guide released
Here is a sneak preview of our latest iKonvert NMEA2000 Gateway which we will be officially launching at METs…
Digital Yacht nominated for two DAME awards at METS 2018
Digital Yacht have been nominated for two DAME Awards at this years 2018 METS marine equipment show. 4G Connect…
Digital Yacht at Annapolis Sail Show – Booth A8
Digital Yacht will be exhibiting at the Annapolis SailBoat Show, October 4-8. Come by and find us on booth A8. …
Digital Yacht at the Southampton Boatshow with new products and offers
Digital Yacht will be at the Southampton Boatshow (14-23rd September 2018) on stand J417. We’re launching…
Weather 4D App with Digital Yacht AIS & WiFi Products
Weather 4D is an iOS iPad & Android app best known for its fantastic animated weather displays with the…