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Product Information
428 posts
DualNav Is Coming Soon
DualNav is Digital Yacht’s latest technology. It combines GPS and GLONASS into one positioning sensor so…
Digital Yacht Product Overview
We’ve made a short over of what Digital Yacht offers using Prezi software but showing it on YouTube. You…
PilotLINK Press Release
PilotLINK wireless AIS gateway for next generation pilotage Digital Deep Sea has added a new innovation to their…
WL450 Press release
Digital Yacht WL450 WiFi System brings cost effective internet on-board LAUNCH AT…
Integrating a PC into your boat’s navigation system
Utilising a PC on board brings important benefits not just for regular PC tasks such as email and web access but…
PilotLink and SEAiq Pilot App
With Production of our PilotLink, wireless NMEA server for Class A Transponders, now under way, we were very…
New LED Indications on AIT2000 + CLB2000
Under normal conditions our AIT2000 and CLB2000 Class B Transponders should have a constant Green LED lit as…
Connecting our HSC100 Compass Sensor to Furuno Equipment
Our HSC100 High Speed Compass Sensor is a very popular product for getting 10Hz heading data in to Chart…