UK manufacturer, Digital Yacht, will launch the world’s first dedicated AIS man overboard alarm system.
Sailing is generally a fun past time, but a man over board situation is one that every captain fears. Digital Yacht has launched a potentially life-saving product called AIS Life Guard. Each crew member needs to be carrying a personal AIS device – like the ones made by companies such as Easy, Kannad and McMurdo. Just connect the AIS Life Guard to an on board AIS transponder or AIS receiver and you have a fully operational AIS SART man overboard system. The AIS Life Guard detects both message 1 and message 14 (these are reserved for AIS SART messaging). As soon as an AIS SART transmission is detected the AIS Life Guard will sound an internal 95db alarm and also display a red warning light. So within seconds the helmsman will be aware if a member of the crew or passenger has fallen overboard.
The AIS Life Guard is compatible with all Digital Yacht receivers and transponders and the new generation of AIS SARTS that have recently been approved for global use by the IMO.