Here is a sneak preview of our latest iKonvert NMEA2000 Gateway which we will be officially launching at METs 2018.
Designed to make it easier to interface computers and embedded systems to NMEA2000 networks, iKonvert will compliment and expand our existing range of gateways and converters.
Aimed at navigation software developers who are already familiar with NMEA2000 PGNs. iKonvert is a small, low cost and reliable gateway that manages the low level NMEA2000 (CAN Bus) data and converts it in to a simple serial interface (USB or ISO). iKonvert is also designed to be easily customised and integrated by other manufacturers, that would like to add NMEA2000 support, but without the time and effort required to develop their own NMEA2000 interface from scratch.
To speed up integration/implementation, Digital Yacht have just published a new Developer’s Guide for iKonvert on GitHub. As well as the Wiki guide, the repository includes a sample QT Application (with source code) and a full specification of our iKonvert Serial Protocol.
For developers and manufacturers, Digital Yacht have a specially priced iKonvert Evaluation Kit, please contact us for more details.